Association of Businesses Advocating Tariff Equity
An interest group of large energy users representing its members before regulatory and governmental bodies and other organizations that affect Michigan’s energy pricing, reliability, and terms & conditions of service.
We Believe in Effective Regulatory Cost Control
Utility rates should be based upon utility’s actual cost of providing service to each customer class - not projected cost. Utilities should be given the opportunity to earn a fair rate of return. However the utility authorized rate of return must be in line with the industry average. Additionally there needs to be corrective action if a utility has over-earned its authorized rate of return for two consecutive years.
We Encourage Market Competition Through Choice of Electricity Supplier
Utilities should be required to compete against other non-utility suppliers to ensure electricity rates are competitive. The current 10% “Choice” cap should be eliminated or raised to enable more customers to participate in electric choice; the cap elimination will help grow the economy.
We Promote Self-Generation & Co-Generation
With many industrial customers having a need for both electricity and steam for the operation of facilities, self-generation should be expanded to include efficient co-generation located off-site within close proximity to industrial customers.